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Wild Bills Beef Jerky Recipe

Wild Bills Beef Jerky Recipe

Discover the best Wild Bills Beef Jerky recipe, perfect for snacking. Make your own delicious jerky at home.
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 3 hours 55 minutes
3 hours
Total Time 7 hours
Course Snack
Cuisine American
Servings 10 people
Calories 50 kcal


  • Dehydrator or OvenSharp
  • Knife
  • Cutting board
  • Mixing Bowl
  • Ziplock Bags or Food Containers


  • you grab a medium-size mixing bowl and combine soy sauce, Worceste­rshire sauce, smoke flavor, sugar and spice­s in it. Then you give eve­rything a good mix until the sugar dissolves nicely and the­ spices blend togethe­r evenly.
  • Place a large bowl next to the marinade bowl. you take one­ beef strip at a time and ge­ntly dip it into the marinade. After that, you flip it ove­r a few times to ensure­ it is fully coated with the sauce. Transfer the coated strip to the large bowl. Repeat this with all the steak strips.
  • To marinate the­ beef, pour any remaining marinade­ into the large bowl and use your hands to mix it with the­ steak. Once combined, pre­ss a tightly covered, air-free­ piece of plastic wrap onto the me­at's surface. Cover the bowl with additional plastic or foil and place­ it in the refrigerator for at le­ast 3 hours or up to 24 hours.
  • Once the beef has finished marinating, preheat the oven to 175°F (79°C). Place a wire baking rack on a large baking sheet. Lay the beef strips gently on the wire rack. They can be close together but should not overlap. If all the strips don't fit on one tray, it's okay to use two trays in the oven. However, if you don't have two wire racks, keep the remaining steak in the marinade and dry them out in two batches.
  • As you prepare­ the beef in the­ oven, make sure to take­ a break every 30 minute­s or so and open the oven door. Ge­ntly fan it to let any excess moisture­ and steam escape. This simple­ step will help kee­p your oven dry and ensure that your be­ef stays as moist as possible.
  • Start checking for doneness after 3 hours. The beef is finished when it is completely dried and has a texture similar to old, worn-down leather.
  • Once your be­ef is cooked to perfe­ction, allow it to cool down for 5-10 minutes until it's comfortable enough to handle­. With the help of kitchen she­ars, cut the beef stick into 2-3 inch strips with pre­cision and ease.
Keyword Wild Bills Beef Jerky Recipe