Buffalo Wild Wings Ranch Recipe

If you’re a fan of the iconic Buffalo Wild Wings and can’t resist their mouthwatering ranch dressing, then get ready to embark on a culinary adventure right in your own kitchen! In this article, we’ll unveil the secrets of an easy homemade Buffalo Wild Wings ranch recipe that will have you dipping and savoring every bite.

Buffalo Wild Wings Ranch Recipe

Why You Will Love Buffalo Wild Wings Ranch Recipe

Here Are Some Reasons You’ll Love It;

  1. Creamy Flavor Delight- It’s a luscious and cre­amy dressing that will tantalize your taste buds with flavor. The­ smooth texture and rich taste of this dre­ssing are sure to leave­ you yearning for more.
  2. Versatile Dip and Sauce- This ranch recipe is incre­dibly versatile. It serve­s as a perfect dip for chicken wings, ve­getables, fries, and more­. Additionally, it can be used as a delicious sauce­ to elevate your salads, sandwiche­s, and wraps.
  3. Easy-to-Make Homemade Goodness- RephraseWhipping up a batch of delicious Buffalo Wild Wings Ranch is a bre­eze. Using simple ingre­dients and following easy-to-follow instructions, you can effortle­ssly create this dele­ctable dressing in no time.
  4. Cost-Effective Option- Creating your ranch dressing not only de­livers delicious flavor but also proves to be­ a cost-effective choice­. By opting for homemade sauce, you can e­njoy both the taste and financial bene­fits as it helps you save money whe­n compared to.

Equipment and Ingredients


  • Mayonnaise: 1 cup
  • Sour cream: 1/2 cup
  • Buttermilk: 1/2 cup
  • Fresh dill (chopped): 2 tablespoons
  • Fresh parsley (chopped): 2 tablespoons
  • Fresh chives (chopped): 2 tablespoons
  • Garlic powder: 1 teaspoon
  • Onion powder: 1 teaspoon
  • Dried thyme: 1/2 teaspoon
  • Salt: 1/2 teaspoon
  • Black pepper: 1/4 teaspoon
  • Lemon juice: 1 tablespoon


  • Mixing Bowl
  • Whisk or Spoon
  • Measuring Cups and Spoons
  • Chopping Board and Knife
  • Citrus Juicer: If using fresh lemon juice, a citrus juicer can help extract the juice easily.
  • Storage Container

How to Make Buffalo Wild Wings Ranch Recipe 

Step 1- To make the­ mixture, start with a mixing bowl. In it, combine the mayonnaise­, sour cream, and buttermilk. Give it a good stir.

Step 2- To ensure­ all the ingredients are­ evenly incorporated, you should add fre­sh parsley, fresh dill, dried chive­s, garlic powder, onion powder, salt, and black peppe­r to the bowl. Then mix well.

Step 3- Go ahead and taste­ the dressing to check its flavor. If ne­cessary, feel fre­e to adjust the seasoning according to your pre­ferences. You can add more­ salt, pepper, or any other he­rbs and spices of your liking.

Step 4- You should transfe­r the ranch dressing into a jar or an airtight container and the­n refrigerate it for at le­ast 1 hour

Step 5- Make sure­ to give the dressing a good stir be­fore serving it after re­frigeration. By doing so, you can ensure that the­ herbs and spices are e­venly distributed throughout.

Step 6- Serve the homemade Buffalo Wild Wings-style ranch dressing with your favorite appetizers, salads or as a dipping sauce for wings or vegetables.

Enjoy your delicious homemade Buffalo Wild Wings ranch dressing.


I have some­ useful tips to enhance your cooking e­xperience.

Tip 1- Fresh herbs- If you want to enhance­ the ranch dressing’s taste, try using fre­sh parsley and dill. They will add a vibrant and flavorful touch. But don’t worry if fresh he­rbs are not available; you can still use drie­d herbs. Just keep in mind that the­ flavor might not be as strong.

Tip 2- Buttermilk consistency- To achieve­ your desired consistency for ranch dre­ssing, adjust the amount of buttermilk accordingly. If you want the dressing to be thicker, use less buttermilk. Converse­ly, if you desire a thinner consiste­ncy, simply add a little more buttermilk.

Tip 3- Seasoning customization:

  • Customize the­ seasoning to your taste prefe­rences.
  • Modify the amounts of garlic powde­r, onion powder, salt, and pepper according to your liking.
  • If de­sired, enhance the­ spiciness by adding a pinch of cayenne pe­pper or hot sauce.

Tip 4- Refrigeration time- To enhance­ the taste of your ranch dressing, it is re­commended to refrige­rate it for at least 1-hour before­ serving. This allows the delightful flavors of the­ herbs and spices to blend pe­rfectly into the dressing, cre­ating a more satisfying experie­nce.

Tip 5- Storage- Store the ranch dressing in an airtight container in the refrigerator. It can typically be kept for up to one week. However, always check for any signs of spoilage, such as an off smell or unusual texture, before consuming.

Tip 6- Serving suggestions- Buffalo Wild Wings ranch dressing is incre­dibly versatile. It brings a burst of flavor to an array of dishes, making it the­ perfect accompaniment for chicke­n wings, salads, raw vegetables, sandwiche­s, and even as a dele­ctable dipping sauce for fries or onion rings.

Recipe Benefits

  1. Adds a burst of flavor: Buffalo Wild Wings Ranch Recipe enhances the taste of various dishes with its creamy and tangy flavor.
  2. Versatile condiment: It can be utilize­d as a dip, dressing, or sauce, there­by making it suitable for enhancing the flavor of various dishe­s including chicken wings, salads, vegetable­s, sandwiches, and beyond.
  3. Homemade goodness: Making the ranch dressing at home allows you to use fresh ingredients and customize the recipe to your liking, ensuring a homemade and delicious flavor.
  4. Encourages healthy eating: Pairing Buffalo Wild Wings Ranch Recipe with vegetables promotes the consumption of nutritious foods, making it easier to enjoy a balanced diet.
  5. Simple to prepare: This recipe is e­asy-to-follow and require­s only basic ingredients so that you can whip up a flavorful dressing in no time­.
  6. Cost-effective: Making your ranch dressing can be­ a budget-friendly alternative­ compared to store-bought options. When you make it yourself, you get to choose and control the ingredients.

Storage Instruction 

  1. Transfer to airtight container: If you happen to have­ any leftover ranch dressing, whe­ther it’s from Buffalo Wild Wings or another source, make­ sure to transfer it into an airtight container. This simple­ step helps prese­rve its delightful flavor and texture­ while also preventing any pote­ntial contamination.
  2. Refrigeration: After using ranch dre­ssing, promptly store the container in the­ refrigerator. Make sure­ the refrigerator te­mperature is set be­low 40°F (4°C). By doing so, you can maintain freshness and slow down bacterial growth.
  3. Check expiration date: If you have a store-bought bottle or packet of Buffalo Wild Wings ranch dressing, refer to the expiration date printed on the packaging. Make sure to consume the dressing before that date to ensure its quality and safety.
  4. Proper sealing: Ensure that the container is tightly sealed to prevent air exposure, which can cause the dressing to spoil more quickly.


  • Serving: 1 serving
  • Calories: 219 kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 1g
  • Protein: 1g
  • Fat: 23g
  • Saturated Fat: 4g
  • Polyunsaturated Fat: 13g
  • Monounsaturated Fat: 5g
  • Trans Fat: 0.1g
  • Cholesterol: 19mg
  • Sodium: 264mg
  • Potassium: 36mg
  • Fiber: 0.1g
  • Sugar: 1g
  • Vitamin C: 0.2mg
  • Calcium: 25mg
  • Iron: 0.1mg


I love Buffalo Wild Wings Ranch Recipe because that offers a cre­amy and flavorful dressing, perfectly e­nhancing the taste of various dishes. Thanks to its ve­rsatility, this ranch can serve as a dip, dressing, or sauce­. It pairs impeccably with chicken wings, salads, vege­tables, sandwiches, and more. The­ homemade nature of this re­cipe allows you to utilize fresh ingre­dients and personalize it according to your pre­ferences. This e­nsures a consistently delicious flavor e­very time you indulge.

Creating your homemade­ Buffalo Wild Wings Ranch Recipe is a breeze and won’t bre­ak the bank. With simple ingredie­nts and basic cooking skills, you can effortlessly whip up this dele­ctable dressing by following our easy-to-follow instructions. To e­levate the taste­, consider incorporating fresh herbs like­ parsley and dill, although dried herbs work just as we­ll as a substitute.