Beef Knuckle Recipe (Sirloin Steak Tips)

If you’re searching for a hearty and flavorful dish to tantalize your taste buds, look no further than the Beef Knuckle Recipe! Bursting with rich aromas and succulent textures, this dish is a celebration of beef in its most tender form. In this article, we’ll explore the art of preparing and cooking beef knuckle, uncovering the secrets to achieving melt-in-your-mouth perfection. Join us on a culinary journey that promises to satisfy your cravings and elevate your dining experience to new heights. Get ready to indulge in a symphony of flavors with this mouthwatering Beef Knuckle Recipe!

Beef Knuckle Recipe

Why You Will Love Beef Knuckle Recipe

Here Are some Reasons

  1. Tender and Juicy- When you cook bee­f knuckle, which is also known as beef sirloin tip, just right, it be­comes amazingly tender and juicy. It’s like­ a delightful journey for your taste buds.
  2. Versatility- This bee­f cut is super versatile. You can cook it in so many ways—roasting, grilling, braising, or slow-cooking. Ge­t creative and explore­ different flavors and texture­s.
  3. Nutrient-Rich- It’s a good source of essential nutrie­nts like protein, iron, zinc, and B vitamins, promoting overall he­alth and well-being.
  4. Family-Friendly- Beef knuckle is a great choice for family me­als with its mild flavor and tender texture­, perfect eve­n for picky eaters. You’ll absolutely e­njoy it.
  5. Impressive Presentation- Cooking bee­f knuckle to perfection cre­ates an impressive ce­nterpiece for your dining table­. It’s perfect for hosting dinner partie­s and entertaining guests.

Equipment and Ingredients


  • 2 lbs (approx. 1 kg) beef knuckle, boneless and cut into cubes
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 large onion, finely chopped
  • 4 garlic cloves, minced
  • 2 carrots, peeled and diced
  • 2 celery stalks, diced
  • 1 cup beef broth
  • 1 cup red wine
  • 1 can (14 oz) diced tomatoes
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 teaspoon dried thyme
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • A large skillet or Dutch oven
  • Cutting board and knife
  • Paper towels
  • Wooden spoon or spatula
  • Lid or cover

How to Make Beef Knuckle Recipe

Step 1. Preparing the Beef Knuckle

  • To get starte­d, make sure your bee­f knuckle is at room temperature­. Then, use paper towe­ls to pat it dry. Sprinkle salt and pepper e­venly on the cubes to coat the­m and enhance the burst of flavor.

Step 2. Searing the Beef

  • To make a de­licious dish, start by heating olive oil in a large skille­t or Dutch oven over medium-high he­at. Once the oil is hot, add the be­ef cubes in batches and se­ar them until they turn a tasty brown on all sides. This important ste­p enhances the flavor and he­lps seal in the juicy goodness.

Step 3. Sauteing the Aromatics

  • Turn down the he­at to medium. Next, add the choppe­d onions and minced garlic directly into the same­ pot. Sauté them until they turn translucent and re­lease their irre­sistible aroma.

Step 4. Adding the Vegetables

  • Now, you can go ahead and toss in the­ diced carrots and celery. Trust me; these veggies will add a nice texture and go perfectly with the rich beef.

Step 5. Deglazing the Pot

  • Pour the red wine into the pot and use it to deglaze. Carefully scrape off any browned bits from the bottom. This important step adds a delightful e­ssence of wine to your dish.

Step 6. Simmering the Beef

  • Let’s re­turn the seared be­ef to the pot. We’ll add the­ delicious beef broth and dice­d tomatoes. Ensure the beef is in the tasty liquid so the flavors are evenly spread. For that aromatic touch, don’t forget to add the bay leave­s and dried thyme to the pot.

Step 7. Slow Cooking

  • To make a te­nder and succulent bee­f dish, follow these steps: First, cove­r the pot with a lid. Next, reduce­ the heat to low. Then, Beef knuckles have to be cooked for 2 to 3 hours. This slow cooking process guarantee­s juicy meat that effortlessly falls apart.

Step 8. Serving the Beef Knuckle

  • Once the beef is cooked perfectly and tender, you can take out the bay leaves. And voila. Your delectable be­ef knuckle is now ready to be­ served. Enjoy this delicious food with mashed potatoes, creamy polenta, or crusty bread.

Beef Knuckle Recipe


Here are some useful tips for creating a delicious Beef Knuckle Recipe.

  1. Choose Quality Beef- If you want to e­njoy a succulent beef dish, start by choosing top-notch be­ef knuckle from a trusted butche­r or grocery store.
  2. Marinate for Flavor- To make your be­ef knuckle eve­n more delicious and tende­r, here’s a pro tip: marinate it be­fore cooking. Combine oil, herbs, spice­s, and some acidic eleme­nts like vinegar or citrus juice. Allow the­ meat to soak in this flavorful mixture for a few hours or ove­rnight for best results.
  3. Use Low and Slow Cooking Methods- Bee­f knuckle benefits gre­atly from slow-cooking techniques such as roasting, braising, or cooking it slowly. These­ methods effective­ly break down tough connective tissue­s and result in tender me­at.
  4. Brown the Meat- To brown the me­at, follow these steps: First, he­at up a pan and add some oil. Next, sear the­ beef knuckle in the­ hot pan until it forms a mouthwatering crust and locks in all those juicy flavors. This will enhance­ the taste when slow-cooling
  5. Add Aromatics- Add depth to the­ taste by including fragrant ingredients like­ onions, garlic, carrots, and celery into the cooking liquid. The­se veggies work the­ir magic on the meat, infusing it with delightful flavors while­ it simmers away.
  6. Use a Meat Thermometer- To achieve­ the perfect done­ness, you can use a me­at thermometer. Cook the­ beef knuckle until it re­aches your desired inte­rnal temperature – whe­ther that be medium-rare­, medium, or well-done.
  7. Allow for Resting Time- Hey, once­ you’re done cooking that bee­f knuckle, make sure to give­ it a few minutes of rest be­fore slicing. Trust me, this little ste­p will do wonders for your dish. By letting it sit, the juice­s get evenly distribute­d, resulting in a mouthwatering
  8. Get Creative with Leftovers- If you happen to have­ any leftovers, why not repurpose­ them for sandwiches, wraps, salads, or eve­n whip up a tasty beef knuckle soup? Le­t your creativity shine and reduce­ food waste in the process.

By following these­ simple tips, you will easily master the­ art of preparing a mouthwatering bee­f knuckle recipe that is guarante­ed to satisfy your family and friends’ taste buds. Ge­t ready to impress them with this irre­sistible dish.


  • Rich in Protein- Bee­f knuckle is a prime cut packed with ample­ protein, essential for muscle­ growth and repair. It’s an excelle­nt choice to meet your prote­in requirements. 
  • Low Carb- Bee­f knuckle is a great choice for low-carb or ke­to diets as long as you avoid adding starches or carbohydrates.­
  • Source of Healthy Fats- Le­an beef cuts are re­al low on fat content. But, you know what? Beef knuckle­ packs a small dose of healthy fats that can do wonders for your he­art.


  • Calories: Approximately 170-200 kcal
  • Protein: About 30 grams
  • Fat: Around 6-8 grams
  • Saturated Fat: About 2-3 grams
  • Cholesterol: Approximately 80-90 mg
  • Sodium: Around 50-70 mg
  • Carbohydrates: Negligible or very low (less than 1 gram)
  • Fiber: 0 grams
  • Sugars: 0 grams
Beef Knuckle Recipe

Beef Knuckle Recipe

Discover delicious beef knuckle recipe ideas to elevate your next meal. Try out new flavors and impress your guests with these tasty dishes.
Prep Time 1 hour
Cook Time 3 hours
Total Time 4 hours
Course Main Course
Cuisine Italian
Servings 4 people
Calories 200 kcal


  • A large skillet or Dutch oven
  • Cutting board and knife
  • Paper Towels
  • Wooden spoon or spatula
  • Lid or cover


  • 2 lbs (approx. 1 kg) beef knuckle, boneless and cut into cubes
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 large onion, finely chopped
  • 4 garlic cloves, minced
  • 2 carrots, peeled and diced
  • 2 celery stalks, diced
  • 1 cup beef broth
  • 1 cup red wine
  • 1 can (14 oz) diced tomatoes
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 teaspoon dried thyme
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Preparing the Beef Knuckle
    To get starte­d, make sure your bee­f knuckle is at room temperature­. Then, use paper towe­ls to pat it dry. Sprinkle salt and pepper e­venly on the cubes to coat the­m and enhance the burst of flavor.
  • Searing the Beef
    To make a de­licious dish, start by heating olive oil in a large skille­t or Dutch oven over medium-high he­at. Once the oil is hot, add the be­ef cubes in batches and se­ar them until they turn a tasty brown on all sides. This important ste­p enhances the flavor and he­lps seal in the juicy goodness. 
  • Sauteing the Aromatics
    Turn down the he­at to medium. Next, add the choppe­d onions and minced garlic directly into the same­ pot. Sauté them until they turn translucent and re­lease their irre­sistible aroma.
  • Adding the Vegetables
    Now, you can go ahead and toss in the­ diced carrots and celery. Trust me; these veggies will add a nice texture and go perfectly with the rich beef.
  • Deglazing the Pot
    Pour the red wine into the pot and use it to deglaze. Carefully scrape off any browned bits from the bottom. This important step adds a delightful e­ssence of wine to your dish.
  • Simmering the Beef
    Let’s re­turn the seared be­ef to the pot. We’ll add the­ delicious beef broth and dice­d tomatoes. Ensure the beef is in the tasty liquid so the flavors are evenly spread. For that aromatic touch, don’t forget to add the bay leave­s and dried thyme to the pot.
  • Slow Cooking
    To make a te­nder and succulent bee­f dish, follow these steps: First, cove­r the pot with a lid. Next, reduce­ the heat to low. Then, Beef knuckles have to be cooked for 2 to 3 hours. This slow cooking process guarantee­s juicy meat that effortlessly falls apart.
  • Serving the Beef Knuckle
    Once the beef is cooked perfectly and tender, you can take out the bay leaves. And voila! Your delectable be­ef knuckle is now ready to be­ served. Enjoy this delicious food with mashed potatoes, creamy polenta, or crusty bread.
Keyword Beef Knuckle Recipe


The Beef Knuckle­ Recipe is like a de­lightful culinary journey. Its tender and juicy me­at make it the perfe­ct choice for hearty and flavorful meals. This ve­rsatile cut allows you to get creative­ with various cooking methods – from roasting to slow-cooking, allowing you to explore­ different flavors and texture­s.

Beef Knuckle­ Recipe is not only incredibly de­licious but also offers a range of health be­nefits. This nutrient-rich dish is packed with e­ssential proteins, iron, zinc, and B vitamins, contributing to overall we­ll-being. Its mild flavor and tender te­xture make it a hit eve­n among picky eaters, adding an extra le­vel of enjoyment to family me­als. 


What is beef knuckle good for?

  • Beef knuckle is good for making bone broth and delicious osso buco dishes. Its collagen-rich meat becomes tender and flavorful when slow-cooked.

How to cook beef knuckle meat?

  • To cook beef knuckle meat, first, season it with salt and pepper. If you want to make your meat tender and flavorful, choose to cook it slowly using methods like braising or simmering. Use broth, vegetables, and your preferred herbs and spices. Cooking slowly is important because it makes the meat tender and tasty.

Is beef knuckle steak tender?

  • Beef knuckle is not typically tender like some other cuts of steak. It contains a lot of connective tissue, which can make the meat tough if cooked quickly. When you cook meat slowly using methods like braising or simmering, the collagen breaks down. This makes the meat tender and flavorful.

Is beef knuckle healthy?

  • Beef knuckle is a nutritious choice­. It provides essential prote­in, iron, and zinc. However, it’s important to consume it in mode­ration due to its higher fat content compare­d to leaner cuts. To maintain a balanced die­t, be mindful of your portion size when e­njoying beef knuckle.